The Mentoring Sub-Committee of the Student Nutrition & Dietetic Association would like to welcome you to our group and encourage those who are interested to come participate in this program by becoming a mentor or mentee.
The mentoring group provides guidance and peer support to incoming SFSU nutrition & dietetic students through group and individual meetings with mentors. In an effort to help students navigate the dietetics program and their future careers, the group serves as a comprehensive source of information and assistance for participating students. Together, we aim to create leaders and a sense of community within the nutrition & dietetics program.
As you have been going through the semester, do you find yourself wondering if you are studying correctly for one of your classes? Where to volunteer in San Francisco or outside of the city? How to prepare for applying for the dietetic internship? Maybe you feel like you need advice on how to balance your time? Become a mentee! You will be paired with an experienced dietetics/nutrition student who will be there to guide and support you in your journey.
We are also looking for mentors who can pair up with a mentee this year. This is a great way to gain leadership skills and support your fellow peers on their dietetic journey. Communication between mentor and mentee can range from meeting up or connecting by email or text.
If you're interested in becoming a mentor or mentee, please email us at sndamentoring@gmail.com or fill our our form!
Mentoring Orientation Highlights